Those who hate are often hateful, seeking to hurt at any cost, including the worst, so to see them through they say, "Are you okay? Is everything okay, and most of all is nothing well? I had hoped." Too, to had known, your hatred is omnipresent, as the worst, so to say you're everything then nothing if you wish then you'll be a something of nothing to be what you didn't exist, and then you go and say i made it through today, and hooray, for you, here's what to do to help ourselves, become yourselves, and you lose yourself to myself, which isn't. So you cry to say, "it wasn't," it was you who died. And I apologized, to harm intentionally, to subjugate with such intentionality, to harm, harass, and lose individuality to harm you isn't our objectives, to harm intentionally your identity, to become who you aren't, whom isn't we, to say you are we is never, and you are only the harmful the most to need, isn't Our Want, is God, to know end, not to be what willn't see to be, even, to see that you weren't and aren't and aren't to be, the intentionality is always there, sharing to become what you aren't, couldn't, and won't, so when you say told that there's a harmful hatred, such that hatred will stay in the past, present, tomorrow, and then it's our todays to be had against yours, where you said, stated your intent as awful sort(s)s, such without knowingly doing so wouldn't make sense such to harm would and importantly with knowledge of doing so, and subjugating the wills of others to advance themselves they've harmed so violently and with the corrupting forces to turn and mutate with an obligatory stance that is constant, so come hither you'll say a person with your intentinos aren't good today and won't be and will stay crazed and depressed, such that a person such as you says i am kind always always there for you and never there for another well to say that you aren't there for another is to say you aren't there for yourselves, after all, and to always be there for yourselves and for you to say that your stupidity is always such that i hadn't said i wouldn't and i hadn't harmed but shouldn't is the norm and the experience of norms isn't yours so you say that your normative behavior is performative always and that isn't true, it's quite the opposite with you, so when you said that I hadn't hated that truly hateful sort and wanted a hatred to become of life then i told you what you wouldn't be to say that you are isn't right to say that you aren't would be better, and always left behind your hatred at the door of your sorrow, and which to become joy, you transmuted all to become what you shouldn't and to say your hatred is different is nothing more than what it could have been and shouldn't have had and when you had to say, that your hatred is, then isn't it strange odd and a bit weird that yours is the hatred of mine, to see what I did for you, and you made yours, to say i'm and we're and they're and how're and could've and this disastrously additively strange property of yours, is to see the hatred of yours, that i won't be, and when you hated you asked enjoyed it wasn't but you didn't to have had more than you could have become enjoyment to enjoyed and when that enjoyment wasn't yours ours not to have had your stupidity and anger evinced in grandiose shades of merciless hatred and hatred of selves that shouldn't have been so when you should have not with and without your disgrace to have harmed others intentionally i would have said that couldn't have been what you had seed and the person of yours that persons who rather shouldn't have had their hatreds then of course your hatreds mine and so when you see who you could have seen and harmed who you haved then know why knowingly you derangedly and with the intentionality as such so to feel you've harassed deranged knowingness to partly not wholly dismay the holiness of life and to be what you aren't, which s what you could've felt to have knowingly harmed to say that you aren't the harmful sort who wanted to harm deliberately and to feel you have had then you destroyed to feel to take and make glad well you did so with thee to feel what you couldn't see and you ruined the world nonchalantly over there to see what you seen isn't a scene of yours the same, when you're at the pigs, to drink up, your hatred, and not your blood? well, the blood of yours is shed to see that the blood of ours to be, and when we sacirifcecd, it was to see not our death, but your miseries so miserable you'll be to have had the worst feelings and to haven't felt sad to be what you could've had and didn't so you did the person you hated to not become to not be, the hatred of yours for eternity, the worst humans in history aren't yours, so to say end your first times, with children at play, and when you said that you wouldn't or oculdn't and to sy that you hadn't to fully hate and wanted more to have said this didn't happen such that it couldv'd and did'd, to know the confusion of aims is not yours, and when it so happens that hatred is a cure for yours, you'd say that such is hatred but not transfixed, so when you had to say that finality wasn't yours to be ours and such ghatred could've had trhen why didn't hatred not becvome of yours, ever. to have seen what could've and they say such is impossibly so, that so impossibly you'vew hatred that the world's hatred, isn't such that you could have without and needlessly so to have had and when they say without circumstance, so circumstantially and with so oddities, oddness, of whom to see, a female of whom you aren't, and the bitch to be had, is to have had your anger, well then your anger is your bitchy fear, which you couldn't have become the hatred of others isn't yours so to have had the hatred of person, and person's persons so to have to say your idiocy to have harmed intentionally so to say that happeened with your hatred of whom and to have said your hatred of others isn't so, that you hated the person many ago to say this is so you have had to had your violence and stupidity isn't to have had to see your stupidity and hatred, which is always and to say that ayou are blemish-free isn't to say that, and when you did so was it fun to have had, without aplomb: have you had to say, that such hatred isn't your province, and would have said well then was it say to say said, sayings are so such hatred of ago, and when you did you strange thugs and want-to-be bitches had to have had your anger, such switchedly, and became what you aren't, the hater of the world, world's, and world's worlds, , so to say that your hatred is fun it's different and such run should be runs and to see your stupidity of having and wantings, and then to see what you couldn't have had and then to harm, well see you through to your hatred, and well so with the hatred of aplomb, i'd say to go, but you wouldn't have stayed, to have a go, with your hatred of wnatingness, to have more than you could and with hatred i would say you could've done more with ourselves, who couldn't be, we? then we have ordained whom to which ministry, such to say that such ordinance is weird, is to say the least and your grandest, are weakest then why is that so and why so have you forsaken whom, and what is not to be in that situation, so you say that ours is yours to forsake a place or a thing, not an official entitity and when you hatred came to see well insanity is what you could've seen but your hatred isn't insane; the sound of it is cacophonic, and the makings-of-insanes, and when you did you had fun, to have seen what you did, a hatred: such as; and, to have, to have had, well you had to have had? didn't you, we are not to be had, you said well you hadn't had said, arguments, ssuch would say that you aren't calm nor kind,and kindness pacifism are not one in the same as the steady tides of the ocean aren't always calm, and your theft of whom and where and why and ours, to become yours, where there is hope isn't your soul, fuck your american goal, the gdp is in fact mine, so to say when you aren't talented, the rest go away, so enjoyed of your splendor, and yes of theirs, mansons, swifty's, the craft of the absurd, isn't to be the, such as Thee is a plenty, and abreast of whose bosom we see, as the actual entity and writer of all God, and those who know God know and take it all, as such for the Godly and the perversions of the sound of theirs, which wouldn't be, if it weren't it were to have been currently and to see eternally, to make sounds of the hatred, that have echoed through the ages, with bad poets and writers alike, and songs of hatred aren't, and when they said so they hated all, and making isn't the truth of your hatred, a truth, after the hatred couldn't have been, what not it could have, so when you went to have had, did you truly enjoy your gladness, and such gladness of whom and her and say a whose, then theirs, isn't, so to see such oddity and such and such and so and whom, but forthcoming enough, as emotionality wasn't involved now it is, so sing this to you always what i wrote before that no one saw, but i saw it, kind of thing, so it was there, and it meant something to me before it existed, before it exists i said;
"i hate
i hate poets,
the death of life, such: hatred of poets,
isn't poetry? a grandiloquent thing after all (and
the best detested,
)((so as to feel rage))
(((and poetic timing isn't to be changed,)))
(((such hatred of poetry and to have not been improved)))
((without yours and you to have had what you don't do, is hatred of all; a bad writer: a bad hope, and a hopeless [so disturbance of tonality is importance? unso, critically, precisely! w/] place))
(to have sad what couldn't, that such hatred did, and the hatred of all which couldn't have been, without, so to say a hatred of one isn't an eternity, and when you do so, when you did, did you say, "oh, such stupidity, and made it an essence.")
{the is not whom, and we is not the, and such}
{{such hatred isn't oum, the light is our Mother, to clarify and say that light stood up and stang for us}}
{{{and hatred of such wouldn't be, That Our Light will stay, Eternally}}}
{{{and now, it's said, "such hatred is a vermin in such hatred, and of such hatred, without such there wouldn't be, so it's hatred in essence - as such and strangely, unboldly, so to have had strangeness through rape, even, to have half/half}}}
{{such wasn't right, to have been righted, wronged, and as such, your hatred is always gross, reliant on a hatred of another(s)s so to make such a crush}}
{the hatred was always and to see, you are not my toy, and willn't be, so i'd say you couldn't be, with and without whom you could've said her, not to have a see, at with or without that, to have said, which isn't yours, and to give the go ahead, to know such wasn't a hatred of whom, only of what and a puppetry of such isn't to have had, a dance of hatred and of the dead which won't become living, and}